Archaeological Activities: The Bearded History of Caithness
Looking for some (indoor!) activities to keep you and the bairns occupied in the holidays?
We've got you sorted with out ARCHAEOLOGY ACTIVITIES - today it's the BEARDED HISTORY OF CAITHNESS, an illustration we had created by Gina Ramsay in 2018 as part of a pan-Caithness colouring competition.
Our drawing shows the mythical 'Cait', the legendary founder of Caithness, and his marvellous swaying beard, full of aspects of the history of Caithness.
This a great activity for children of all ages - and a lovely big of mindfulness, too. You can start by looking for the various historical characters and places in Caithness, and then you can get to the fun bit: colouring in!
We've included a high-res version of Cait here; you can print it off and colour it in - alternatively, you want to do it on a computer then you just need to download the image (right click and save onto your computer) - you can then use software like Paint, or GIMP or Inkscape which are free.
You can also use photoshop: put the line art (jpeg) on a top layer with blend mode multiply and create layers underneath for the colour. The colour will show through white areas of the image.
For more info visit (Empty Easel)
We'd love to see your efforts. Why not share them on Instagram or Twitter, too, using the #BeardedHistory tag?
Happy colouring in!
Download the image here
Or right-click and 'save as' the image below.